Leanna Crawford - Mean Girls Lyrics

Contents: Song Information
  • Song Title: Mean Girls
  • Album: Mean Girls - Single
  • Artist: Leanna Crawford
  • Released On: 23 Jul 2021
  • Download/Stream: iTunes Music Amazon Music
Leanna Crawford Mean Girls

Mean Girls Lyrics

Mean Girls
Mean girls don’t remember what they said 
It’s funny cuz I can’t seem to forget 
Their whispers opened up the door 
To a world called insecure 
No, mean girls don’t remember what they said 

Stick and stones may break my bones 
But no one ever warned me about words

I smile and I pretend it doesn’t hurt 
But the older that I get it just gets worse
Lord, find me and remind me that my worth
Is worth so much more than their words 

You say I’m more than their words 
So much more than their words 

I need you to find 
The little girl inside that picture frame
Was smiling cuz she never heard of shame 
But now mean girls are the reason why
I change my clothes a thousand times 
Before I walk out the door

Mean Girls Video

Mean Girls Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration

Title: Mean Girls by Leanna Crawford: Embracing True Worth in the Face of Negativity


In today's society, the influence of mean girls and their hurtful words can have a lasting impact on individuals' self-worth and confidence. Leanna Crawford's song, "Mean Girls," beautifully captures the struggle of dealing with negativity and finding one's true worth. This article will delve into the meaning behind the song, explore any available inspiration or stories behind it, and draw connections to relevant Bible verses that offer encouragement and strength.

1. Understanding the Meaning of "Mean Girls"

Leanna Crawford's song, "Mean Girls," explores the lasting impact of hurtful words and the struggle to find self-acceptance amidst negativity. The song acknowledges the pain caused by mean girls who often forget the weight of their hurtful words. It highlights the power of words and emphasizes the need to rise above the negativity.

2. The Inspiration and Story Behind "Mean Girls"

While the specific inspiration and story behind "Mean Girls" by Leanna Crawford may not be readily available, it is clear that the song draws from personal experiences or observations of the artist. The lyrics reflect the universal struggle of many who have encountered mean girls and the emotional toll it takes on one's self-esteem.

3. Biblical References and Encouragement

The Bible offers a wealth of encouragement and guidance for those facing negativity and struggling with their self-worth. Here are a few relevant Bible verses that resonate with the themes of "Mean Girls":

a) Proverbs 18:21 - "The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit." This verse reminds us of the weight our words carry and encourages us to use our tongues wisely, avoiding hurtful speech.

b) Psalm 139:14 - "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." This verse reminds us of our inherent worth and affirms that we are wonderfully created by God, regardless of what others may say.

c) Romans 12:2 - "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will." This verse encourages us to reject the negativity and opinions of others and instead focus on the transformative power of God's love and acceptance.

d) Ephesians 4:29 - "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen." This verse reminds us to use our words to uplift and encourage others, rather than tearing them down.

4. Embracing True Worth

"Mean Girls" by Leanna Crawford encourages listeners to find their true worth and identity in something greater than the opinions of others. It reminds us that our value lies in the eyes of our Creator, who formed us with love and purpose. The song prompts us to remember that we are fearfully and wonderfully made, deserving of respect and kindness.


Leanna Crawford's song, "Mean Girls," sheds light on the struggles faced by individuals who have encountered hurtful words and negativity. The song's lyrics serve as a reminder to rise above such negativity and embrace our true worth, finding solace and strength in our faith. By turning to relevant Bible verses, we are reminded of God's unchanging love for us and the power of our words. Through "Mean Girls," Leanna Crawford encourages listeners to find healing, acceptance, and self-love in the face of negativity. Mean Girls Lyrics -  Leanna Crawford

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